Where to buy pianosIf you're thinking about purchasing a piano, whether acoustic or digital, you should visit a piano showroom to speak with a professional who knows pianos. Retailers such as this encourage you to play every piano because each acoustic piano has its own unique sound and feel.
Quality Manufacturers of PianosKawaii – acoustic and digital piano manufacturer (my preferred brand)
Yamaha – acoustic and digital piano manufacturer Steinway – the Mercedes of acoustic pianos Bosendorfer – the Rolls Royce of acoustic pianos Other Manufacturers of Digital PianosCasio – less expensive than Kawaii and Yamaha. Lower-end quality.
Roland – this brand is known for manufacturing stage keyboards (for bands). Their digital piano technology don't offer the same level of quality as Kawaii or Yamaha but they do offer keyboards that are great if you intend produce music. Korg – known mainly as a manufacturer of stage keyboards and synthesizers. Be careful about purchasing unknown brands. |
The benefits on the brain of playing a musical instrument. |